Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Boise, celebrating an Anniversary and wild (but fun) Walla Walla!

September 13-19, 2017

There are so many beautiful parts of the U.S. including being in the plains, but we were both excited to be heading into mountains and towards the Pacific Northwest.    Gowen Army National Guard FamCamp was just outside Boise, adjacent to the airport and we stayed in one of the eight sites available.  The base was active but very quiet and upon arriving were told we could dine in the galley.  Too tired to find a restaurant (nothing close by), we opted to take advantage of the $8 buffet galley dinner.  The tasty, amazing meal consisted of chicken masala, two sides, bread, drink and salad bar.  I love these bases! 

Months without the mountains happy to see them!

Our home on wheels-on Gowen Air Field

An Idaho sunset

Ready to explore Boise the next day, we hiked near the Boise River watching some young guys as they surfed along a water break.  We navigated ourselves pretty easily through downtown enjoying a nice anniversary dinner at a Spanish restaurant.  We were entertained by the Hyde Park festival and later an Oktoberfest at a local brewery but we have missed good wines and Boise surprised us with their outstanding reds.  Not only did we enjoy the scenery at the wineries but met many nice people along the way. 
Downtown Boise

No ocean but the Boise River will do!

A piano on base once played by Jimmy Stewart

Entertainment at the Hyde Park Festival

Chicken Dinner Rd.?

An anniversary toast served with complimentary cotton candy

It was a nice relaxing visit in Boise and we found it to be a fun, friendly city but it was time to move on towards Walla Walla, Washington for a reunion with friends and family.

September 19-25, 2017

It was exciting to me driving through the mountains into Washington state.  The trees got taller as we climbed in elevation but as we descended towards the vast wheat fields, it made me reminisce of years ago visiting Perry's dad in eastern Washington.  He was a wheat farmer as were his siblings in the town of Mansfield where Perry grew up. 

Mountains going into Washington state

Beautiful wheat fields!

Typical grain elevator of Eastern Washington

In Walla Walla, we were going to reunite with Perry's friends from his hometown and several cousins.  Friends Tom and Nita would join us the day after we arrived with their fifth wheel.  We had a great pull through site and were anxious to explore the town where Perry had his first out of college CPA job. 
They arrived as expected pulling their 40' toy hauler and Tom got it backed in on the first try-impressive! Nita showered us with thoughtful homemade gifts and surprised Perry with the news his cousins would meet us in the neighboring town of Waitsburg.  The four of us walked into the restaurant and were greeted by cousins Kelli and Heather, their spouses and other cousins Perry hadn't seen in years.  I've never met cousin Kelli except corresponding each year at Christmas.  She is full of life and is so much fun to be around along with her sister Heather.  We visited after having dinner and later, Kelli, Heather and their spouses joined us back at the RV park.  I knew the next four days would be full of fun, laughter and getting caught up on decades of child rearing, careers, families, etc.  

A cousin reunion

Kelli and Heather holding a can of "Schmidt" beer

Having fun while reminiscing

"girls just wanna have fun"
Large animal statues were throughout the
 RV park

The next day, the four of us had biscuits and gravy at Tom and Nita's before heading out to do a little wine tasting.  We paced ourselves knowing we were invited (so were the dogs) to Kelli and Rick's that night for dinner.  Such a fun night with everyone and for Daisy and Gracie…..(Rick gave them rib meat in their dinner) .  Daisy didn't hesitate to make herself at home on Kelli's lap!   Another amazing fun time with everyone and the next day Tom and Nita would be heading back home . 
A feast for all from the gracious hosts!

They were inseparable

We followed them on their way out stopping at a winery for a tasting while sitting outside on the beautiful grounds.  The time in Walla Walla went by way too fast and look forward to seeing everyone again, hopefully sooner then later!

Our last visit at a winery

Fun visit with Tom and Nita

For a very long time we've anticipated David and Taylor joining us in Oregon, but now more then ever were we excited for their arrival. Our son had something special planned!  Portland here we come!!

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